
2023年6月4日—Thebestscreencapturetool.Performsfullpagescreencapture.SavesscreenshotstoPDForimages.Instantscreenshotsarestoredlocally, ...,2021年6月1日—HowtocapturescreenshotsinstantlywithFirefox·Right-clickforWindowsortwo-fingertaponMactocalluptheFirefoxmainactionmenu.,FirefoxScreenshots可以直接在瀏覽器裡實現網頁抓圖、截取、儲存和分享截圖畫面,無須安裝額外的擴充功能,當然操作上也是非常簡單,快...


2023年6月4日 — The best screen capture tool. Performs full page screen capture. Saves screenshots to PDF or images. Instant screenshots are stored locally, ...

How to capture screenshots instantly with Firefox

2021年6月1日 — How to capture screenshots instantly with Firefox · Right-click for Windows or two-finger tap on Mac to call up the Firefox main action menu.

Firefox Screenshots 免費網頁擷圖工具,瀏覽器內建快速拍照

Firefox Screenshots 可以直接在瀏覽器裡實現網頁抓圖、截取、儲存和分享截圖畫面,無須安裝額外的擴充功能,當然操作上也是非常簡單,快速選取要拍攝的網頁範圍,一鍵就能 ...

Firefox ScreenshotGo

When you open Firefox ScreenshotGo, you can scroll through your five most recent screenshots in the Quick access section, or view them in each collection.

How do I create a screenshot of my problem?

To take a screenshot in Firefox using the Firefox Screenshots feature: Right-clickHold down the control key while you click on an empty part of the page and ...

Take screenshots in Firefox

Screenshots is a tool in Firefox that allows you to save an image of all or parts of a web page.

Firefox Screenshots

Firefox Screenshots 是一個能擷取目視所及或甚至完整網頁,並加以複製或保存影像的功能。(Firefox Screenshots 於2019 年的更動請見此篇部落格文章。).

How to Take a Full Page Screenshot in Firefox

2023年2月19日 — Step 2. Right-click anywhere on the page. Then select “Take Screenshot” from the drop-down list. firefox take a screenshot ...

How to take Screenshots in Mozilla Firefox

2023年6月26日 — Right-click Firefox Screenshot. Step 1: Go to the page that you want to screenshot in Firefox. Right-click on an empty part of the page. A pop- ...